Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care

IMC Chiropractic Spinal Care

& Physical Therapy Rehab Clinic


Our Approach to Chiropractic Care

The efficacy of chiropractic has been well known for over a century, with numerous studies proving the practice effective in treating back pain, sciatica, neck pain, dizziness, and even high blood pressure.

Drug-free, and non-surgical, chiropractic care is particularly useful for chronic pain management. By combining chiropractic care with massage therapy, manual therapy, rehabilitation, holistic medicine and other non-invasive treatments, the professionals at Integrated Medical Center of Florida provide a comprehensive, natural pain relief plan to their patients.

Because many conditions are linked to dysfunctions in the spine, chiropractic treatment has a wide range of applications, addressing many conditions across different life stages.

We offer various types of manual adjusting to gently ease fixation in the joints and increase motion. These techniques help in releasing the tightness, pain or muscle spasm that occurs at the area of the spine or joints. Many patients experience immediate relief from chronic disorders such as low back pain, headaches, and neck pain.

At Integrated Medical Center of Florida, we have an integrated, non-invasive approach that combines regenerative therapies, chiropractic care and holistic services to help people lead healthier, more active lives.

Schedule a consultation today to start living your best life!

Call us at (727) 816-9616 Today!

More About IMC Chiropractic Care

A neuromusculoskeletal condition often results in patients suffering from hypomobility, or restricted joint movement. This is a consequence of tissue injury, which can stem from repetitive stress on the joint (work or sports injury) or from a single harmful event. (such as a car accident)

Depending on the extent of the injury, chiropractic care can be short-term or long-term, and can also include preventative care.

Our treatment is a type of manual therapy, which also includes physical and massage therapy, sports medicine, and osteopathy. It utilizes a holistic and hands-on approach to patient care. Depending on the condition, chiropractic care may be the primary treatment option or it may be used in conjunction with other medical treatment.

Because chiropractors are broadly trained and address the whole person, they can provide counseling and recommendations for related health issues such as dietary considerations and therapeutic exercises.

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